Packaging JNI Library within DockerFor example, your Java application myapp depends on xyz JNI library.Dec 7, 2023Dec 7, 2023
Joining Data in real time in Kafka using KSQLOnce data is in Kafka Topics, data from multiple topics can be joined in real time and the results can be published to another topic.Oct 3, 2022Oct 3, 2022
How is KSQL different from SQLAlthough on the surface KSQL looks similar, there are many differences to be aware of.Sep 30, 2022Sep 30, 2022
Run YoloV4 and DeepSort Object Tracking in AWSHow to run YoloV4 and DeepSort Object Tracking in AWS Sagemaker Jupyter Notebook instanceJun 12, 2022Jun 12, 2022
Published inAWS TipRe-Deploying Trained Models when using Sagemaker JumpstartSagemaker Jumpstart provides sample notebooks to quickly get started on various solutions. See aws blog. The sample notebooks guide you…May 25, 2022May 25, 2022
Sending video data to AWS Kinesis Video StreamAWS Kinesis video stream Producer SDK allows you to easily send video data to KVS Stream for further processing. But unfortunately, the KVS…May 16, 2022May 16, 2022
Glogin.Org — Public SSO based on OAuth2Public Identity solution independent of any social, messaging, search, email platform.Apr 26, 2022Apr 26, 2022
Published inSystem WeaknessKafka Messaging with Java SpringIt is easy to publish and consume messages using the spring-kafka library.Mar 25, 2022Mar 25, 2022
Implementing CDC from AWS RDS PostgreSQL to another Database using Kafka ConnectKafka Connect can be used to move data from one database to another using Debezium Source Connector to move the data from source database…Mar 24, 2022Mar 24, 2022